“Stuck in Here”, le projet qui transcende les frontières.
Stuck In Here, Tout a commencé sur Instagram
Il y a à peine un an, notre photographe Orianne Ciantar Olive, créa ” Stuck in Here ” et en découlait un compte Instagram : @_stuck_in_here_ donnant de la visibilité, et une voix supplémentaire à la jeunesse coincée dans une Ukraine en guerre.
Voici quelques-uns de ces témoignages :
“Hi, my name is Anna, I’m 24, I’m motion designer, lived in Kharkiv. I created the project about Ukrainians @unbreakable_ukrainians. It’s my way to help people.
This is a social project, the main purpose of which is to show how the war in Ukraine has changed the lives and destinies of people, what they feel and how they relate to it. To do this, there are several questions that they answer in audio or video format. All stories must be heard.”

I’m Lada, a photographer from Ukraine. I am 22 years old.
Dad: “Good morning everyone, I love you”
Brother: “Good morning”
Mom: “Good morning, how was your night?”
Now my morning begins with reading these messages.
On February 24, I woke up from some explosions. It became scary, something inside said to me – this is the beginning of something big and terrible … I decided to go to bed with thoughts “maybe it will all be over by morning?”. Then an air raid, buying food for a month, searching for bomb shelters, calling relatives, tears, panic, uncertainty…
I spent the first night in a bomb shelter in the center of Kyiv. Then I went to western Ukraine.
In some ways, the war helped make dreams come true. But at what cost?
They say “war is scary”, I think the word “hurt” better describes this situation. Only the first time is scary, but it hurts always and everywhere, even in a safe place.
War gives you an edge in understanding who is important to you and who cares about you. Takes away the ability to plan and set goals. Makes a person empty of feelings and emotions. Accelerates all processes…
“Do you love yourself?
– Now not really, before the war – yes “
People are leaving… And I left, it was very hard, I cried … I don’t know when I can see my relatives, but I know that they are so calm for me.
People are leaving… I left, it was very hard, I cried… I don’t know when I will see my relatives, but I know that they won’t worry about me.
“They stay because of people they don’t want to leave and feel needed”
Photos and testify @artistkasolovyova
Échapper un instant à l’horreur …
Montrer le conflit autrement, dévoiler leur quotidien, créer un mouvement collectif, et échapper un instant à l’horreur.
“Hi! My name is Anastasia, I’m 22.
On the night of February 24, I watched the new season of Euphoria until late. I was waiting for recruiter from a large company to call me in the morning with an invitation to work, because the day before I had successfully passed the interview.
I realized that all my plans were ruined after I saw a glow at the city in the window at 5 am, as well as heard explosions and the sounds of planes flying over my house. Russia attacked Ukraine.
I lived and studied in Kharkiv. Before the war started I had just returned from a trip to Odesa and Kyiv.
Therefore, I want to share the photos from different parts of our amazing Ukraine with you.
I wish you all love and peace ❤️ “

La suite du projet :
Le projet s’est développé, de nombreux témoignages ont été recueillis. Il en a découlé une installation au @centrepompidou, un Podcast sur @franceculture : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/par-les-temps-qui-courent/orianne-ciantar-olive-artiste-auteure-et-photographe-9278086 et enfin un livre aux @reverseditions.
Découvrez ces histoires et ces témoignages poignants qui transcendent les frontières.

Stuck In Here a été élaboré, pensé et conçu par une de nos photographes résidente de la galerie Triangle : Orianne Ciantar .
Allez découvrir son travail photographique sur sa page dédiée. Ses séries son gorgées de sensibilité, de vécu et de philosophie, ses photographies nous transportent et nous questionnent sur notre propre existence. Orianne Ciantar Olive est une vraie touche à tout.
En perpetuelle évolution pour acquérir de nouveaux savoirs, connaître de nouvelles approches, elle affine son regard au fil de son parcours. Sensible et touchante, elle traite de sujets profonds avec beaucoup de justesse.
Découvrez sa page et ses photographies ici :
Découvrez notre sélection de photographies vintages, colorful et portraits.

Les vintages
Pour un brin de passé, un look dépassé, des couleurs du passé. Accrochez du vintage dans votre futur !

Les colorful
Pour de la couleur pop, disco ou même complémentaires, notre sélection colorful rendra votre déco artistiquement colorée.

Découvrez notre sélection de portraits remplis de douceur, de sens, d’histoire.